Web 3.0

Web 3.0 Explained | Features, Advantages & Comparison to Web 2.0

The world around us is changing at an increasing rate. And many futurists believe that we are at the foyer of the future that we always imagined. And the credit to this goes to the game-changing technologies like Blockchain, DAOs, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and many more.

These are rapidly evolving and laying the foundation of this coming tomorrow. It is the future that caught our imagination in various Science-fiction movies wherein technology is intelligent, well-connected, decentralised and automated.

Today we will talk about one such futuristic technology that will form the linchpin of all these developments – Web 3.0. Also known as Web3 or the Semantic Web.

What is Web 3.0?

Imagine you are returning to your home in your self-driven car after working hard the whole day at the office. You are very tired and can’t wait to reach home. As soon as you reach closer, the garage gate automatically starts to open. You park your car and move inside your home. The lights turn on by themselves, the temperature of the house is automatically set to your preference.

The voice of an Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) asks you about the day and what you would prefer to do now? It suggests some of the options depending on your day and mood. You choose to go for your usual drink and watch television. The drink is getting prepared, meanwhile, you sit on the couch. The TV is turned on with your favorite show and you just can’t get enough of it. What a way to end a hectic day.

Do you know what technologies have enabled these functions?

All these developments are a result of our information system attaining intelligence with the help of technologies like Artificial intelligence and Machine learning. This information system understands your personality and preferences and works in accordance.

For example, if you are a motorcar enthusiast and want to see a show about Jaguar, it doesn’t show you something about the animal Jaguar. This is what Web 3.0 is at its peak in the future.

It is the intelligent information system that works in tandem with other technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) in the future, to give you the life you always wanted. 

So, to discuss the definition of Web 3.0, it is the third iteration of the internet that would be able to think like us. Like, it would not only able to understand the meaning of the words but also the context, sense and emotions behind them. 

And it doesn’t end there, the new version of the internet will be based on a decentralised ledger technology, commonly known as blockchain technology. The technology will bring the aspect of decentralization into the system and allow the user to have control over their data. This is stark opposite to the current version of the internet, known as Web 2.0, wherein the data is centralized and controlled by a few tech giants.

Thus, you can say, it will possess human intelligence to understand the context and act accordingly. Moreover, Machine Learning helps it improve itself consistently. Understanding its feature will help us get a better hold on this concept.

Features of Web 3.0

  1. Decentralization

    This is the core feature of Web 3.0. While, today in Web 2.0 the data is store at a particular location or server that is property of a certain organization. This leaves the control of that data in the hands of that organization, which can use it for profiteering. Thus, jeopardizing the privacy of many. This is one of the main drawback of Web 2.0 that Web 3.0 seeks to do away with.

    Since Web 3.0 is based on blockchain, a decentralised ledger technology, which stores data multiple location, it will also result in distributed data storage simultaneously. This will give the user complete authority over their data and protect their privacy.
  2. Trustless & Permissionless

    In the context of Web 3.0, being trustless is a positive word. This is because, the network will allow the user to interact with it directly without requiring any intermediary. Thus, they don’t need to entrust anyone with their data before putting it on the network. They can do it on their own and keep it safe with the help of unbreakable blockchain technology.

    Similarly, the users do not need to acquire permission from anyone before interacting with this network. This makes them permissionless.
  3. Semantic Web

    This is one of the most prominent improvements in Web 3.0 over the preceding versions. It would not only work based on the keywords the user puts in but also understands the underlying context.

    Thus, it produces the results according to the sense of the search and not just the keywords as it’s being done in the current version i.e. Web 2.0. Like we said above, it understands the difference between Jaguar the car and Jaguar the animal.
  4. Artificial Intelligence

    The next big improvement is the utilization of Artificial Intelligence. With the help of AI, Web 3.0 would be able to understand data as we do. And this will change how we interact with the digital world, given that it will also include Natural Language Processing(NLP).

    Thus, the AI in Web 3.0 would be able to identify ambiguity or abnormality in data and pinpoint fake reviews or rigged ratings to remove them to keep the authenticity intact. 

    Moreover, with the help of Machine Learning, it will keep on improving itself and give better results everytime.
  5. Spatial Web

    Web 3.0 will also deal extensively with 3D graphics, that is why many futurists also call it Spatial Web. This will enhance the immersive experience of the user to the manifold, for example, the user would be able to see the product on an e-commerce website in more clearer manner.

    Similarly, Museums would be able to give an online tour or showcase their distinguished artefacts to attract visitors. Likewise, it can be utilised in healthcare, education, real-estate you name it.

    Hence, the opportunities are boundless with the amazing 3D experience Web 3.0 will be able to offer to blur the line between the physical and the digital worlds. 
  6. Connectivity

    This is where the above example of IVA will start to take shape. The connectivity will be in two forms. First, the connectivity between the information and second connectivity between machines for example Internet of Things(IoT). 

    The first form of connectivity will be a result of AI. The reason, since this information system will itself understand the information, it will be able to juxtapose related information to present more productive results.

    The second form of connectivity will be caused by two factors: 
  • Enabling technologies like Cloud Computing, Robotics, Big Data
  • Mushrooming on Automated machines that can connect to the internet

    These two factors will transform the interaction between humans and machines. And the common thread that will connect all these developments will be Web 3.0.

    This will take the connectivity aspect of Web 3.0 to unprecedented levels. And usher in the high-tech future. And this takes us to another feature.
  1. Ubiquity

    This will be a result of a higher extent of connectivity in Web 3.0 making it ubiquitous. Although, Web 2.0 is ubiquitous but upto a limited extent for example only certain sites allow you to access your data from anywhere in the world. And this data is solely controlled by the organisation managing the website. 

    Web 3.0, along with its trait of decentralization, will take this feature to another level. The data will be accessible from around the world. Not only the data will be accessible to the user from anywhere in the world. The user would be the sole owner of their data.

Comparison between Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

Web 1.0 or the Static Web

It spanned between 1989 to 2005. It is called Static web because there was very limited interaction between the internet and the user. The information was very provided in a very straightforward and bland and access to it was very limited.

It was based on:

  • HyperText Markup Language(HTML)
  • URI or URL: Uniform Resource Identifier or Locator, 
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol(HTTP)

Also, the search engine only came into existence after 1995 and email and access to real-time informations was made possible. However, it was the time when few created the content for many. And this got changed in Web 2.0

Web 2.0 or the Social Web

This network was a great shift from its previous version. Not only it was way better when it came to interactivity and social connectivity. It allowed user to generate content and let it spread across the internet to other millions or even billions of users. That is why is also called the Social Web. Now, many were creating for many. 

The most noticeable development was the advent of social networking and interactive applications. This facilitated the emergence of tech giants like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Youtube etc. These giants gradually attained dominance on the internet by controlling its access and usage of the data over it.

Further, its growth got fueled by technological advancements like mobile phones and open source software’s like Android. These open source software led to development of millions of mobile-based software application that expanded the utility of internet to exponential levels.

Web 3.0

Comparing to the above two versions of internet, Web 3.0 is based on the principles of decentralization, directness, privacy protection and permissionless access etc. and will offer the obvious purpose of greater utility.

Thus, it will give the user more authority over their data. And this will curb the data usage of the users without their permission which is the most talked about disadvantage of Web 2.0. 

As envisaged, it will take the bottom-up approach in which the users will guide the direction it would take. Moreover, the features that we discussed above like Semantic Web, Artificial Intelligence, and three-dimensional graphics etc will offer even more utility in Web 3.0. 

The below mentioned table represents a quick comparison between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

Web 2.0 versus Web 3.0 – An approach to the metaverse

FeaturesWeb 2.0Web 3.0
Organizational Structure Centralized Ownership & Control
 Decision are by the shareholder of the controlling organization
 Decentralized control and ownership by community
 Native tokens holders carry out governance and decisions are consensus-based
Data Storage Centralized storage on specific location Decentralized storage on multiple locations
Platform Format PC/console 
 VR/AR hardware 
 VR/AR hardware
 Mobile App in coming times
Payments Infrastructure Traditional payments methods such as Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Netbanking, etc.
 Virtual currency limited to that platform
 Crypto wallets
 Cryptocurrencies & Tokens circulated across platform
Content Creators Game developers Community member
 Game developers
Portability Of Digital Assets Within the particular platform Can be transferred to different platforms
Ownership Of Digital Assets Within the platform where purchased Portable as owned by the user through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)
Identity Avatar created on a particular platform
 Interoperable self-sovereign identity 
 Anonymous Private-key
Revenue Models Revenue shared by selling platform and the creator/developer Developers/creators directly earn revenue
 Users earn through participation in activities including governance
 Royalties earn by NFTs creators on secondary transactions
Participation Methods Socialization 
 Play-to-earn game
 Experiences like concerts
 All Web 2.0 activities
Example World of Warcraft 
 Second Life
 Somnium Space
 The Sandbox

Advantages of Web 3.0

Ownership of Data

Under the Web 3.0 setting, the user gain the ownership for their data and the privacy is protected by encryption of the data through blockchain technology. Therefore, this data can only be utilised by any third party after getting permission from the user on need or case by case basis.

Ubiquitous Information Access

Web 3.0 enables ubiquitous information access, which is quite limited in Web 2.0. This will be made possible with the help of smartphone application and cloud-based technologies. While in Web 2.0 users have to rely on an intermediary to access their own data, this will not be the case in Web 3.0 where there would be no intermediary.

Democratization of the Web

Web 3.0 provides democratization of the web as no central authority can dictate the access and restriction to its services. Neither can anyone stop it operation, it will be execute same functions in all the circumstance thanks to the architecture that is based upon smart contracts.

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